
Here is the Case Statement document that accompanies the Feasibility Study phase of our capital campaign.

Case Statement for a Capital Campaign for Holy Cross Monastery

Downloadable Resources

Planned Giving Brochures and Booklets
The following planned giving brochures and booklets are available in printed form from the Episcopal Church Foundation web site. You may download them in .pdf form here:

Planned Giving: Stewards of God's Bounty Brochure

Planned giving encompasses a variety of ways to create a gift to your church using accumulated resources. Although planned giving usually involves financial or estate planning, it is not reserved for the wealthy. Planned giving is for anyone concerned with the wise use of his or her personal resources and provides the opportunity to make a considered choice about their ultimate disposition.

Planned Giving: Stewards of God's Bounty Booklet

Each Episcopalian has his or her own reason for supporting the organizations and ministries that they cherish. This Planned Giving booklet gives you a basic understanding and describes the different ways of giving through immediate, deferred or life income gifts.

Charitable Gift Annuity: Guarantee an Income for Life Brochure

A charitable gift annuity enables you to make a substantial gift to your church, diocese, or any other Episcopal organization now, and receive guaranteed income for life. This is one way to put your treasure where your heart is — in the church — and still take care of your needs and those of your family. This brochure explains how you can establish a charitable gift annuity through the Episcopal Church Foundation.

Charitable Gift Annuity: Guarantee an Income for Life Booklet

Through a charitable gift annuity you can make a gift to your church, diocese or Episcopal organization and guarantee yourself, or another beneficiary you name, an income for life. The minimum amount required to establish a charitable gift annuity through the Episcopal Church Foundation is $5,000. This Charitable Gift Annuity booklet provides you, a prospective donor, with information about ECF's charitable gift annuity program and how you might create one.

Charitable Remainder Trust: Help Loved Ones and the Church Brochure

A trust can be a useful estate planning tool that allows you to ensure the financial well-being of your family and, if appropriate, provide a significant deferred gift to your church. A trust, in its simplest form, is the holding of legal title to property by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary). This brochure provides the information you need at all stages of setting up a trust.

Charitable Remainder Trust: Help Your Loved Ones and the Church Booklet

A charitable remainder trust allows you to make a significant gift to your local Episcopal church, diocese or Episcopal organization while retaining the right for you and/or one or more designated beneficiaries to receive income payments over a specified period of time. In establishing a charitable remainder trust, you may transfer cash, securities and/or other property to a trustee who is responsible for investing and reinvesting those assets, together with any income therefrom, and for making distributions to you and/or your designated beneficiary(ies). At the death of the last income beneficiary, the remainder of the trust is distributed to the church(es) you named. This Charitable Remainder Trust booklet provides you with the information you need to establish a trust.

Pooled Income Fund: Give and You Shall Receive Brochure

A pooled income fund enables donors to make gifts to their parish, diocese, or other Episcopal organizations and receive an income from the gift for life. This brochure explains how a pooled income fund works and its many advantages to you.

Pooled Income Fund: Give and You Shall Receive Booklet

This Pooled Income Fund booklet provides you, the prospective donor, with information about the Episcopal Church Foundation Pooled Income Fund. A pooled income fund "pools" your gift with others and is invested by a team of professionals. The fund pays you and/or chosen beneficiaries an income for life based on the performance of the investments. At the death of the final beneficiary, the principal goes to the designated organization.

Writing Your Will: Where There's a Will, There's a Way Brochure

Writing a will is a loving and responsible act for the sake of your family and to those causes you cared about during your life. This brochure provides you with a few helpful suggestions about to prepare to write your will, with the ultimate exercise in Christian stewardship.

Planning for the End of Life: Faithful Stewards of Your Good Gifts Booklet

Writing a will can be a daunting proposition. It is also essential. Appointing trustees and executors, naming guardians for your children, and deciding how you would like your worldly goods distributed will give you peace of mind and relieve your loved ones of the burden of those decisions. In the Episcopal Church we believe that your estate plan should reflect your values. This Planning for the End of Life booklet provides the information you need to set up:

  • A medical directive
  • Planning your funeral service
  • Preparing to write your will

Online Resources

Training and Webinars

The Episcopal Church Foundation provides numerous training opportunities to help parishioners grow their ministry at the congregational level. Learn about upcoming events and webinars here:

Church Leadership Resources

Vital Practices provides a host of free online resources to empower church leaders:

Planned Giving Resources

This site, sponsored by the Episcopal Church Foundation provides planned giving resources for parishioners and leaders (including descriptions of planned gifts, the ability to run simplified Life Income Gift illustrations and much more):