
Dear Parish Family,

We are now at an exciting moment, one that is the result of several years of work. At some point along this journey, nearly every single one of you has helped. Either you have served on a committee, attended a feedback session, or turned in a survey (more likely, several surveys!).

Thank you. You have wrestled with the questions of what needs for our building and grounds are most important at this moment, what first step into the 21st century at St. John’s we are called to take today. At the forefront of the conversation has been a focus on our parish mission and ministry. Each and every project in the Stepping Into the 21st Century capital campaign will further equip and empower us for service in the church and the world.

You have brought us to this step. Now it’s time to take it.

Let’s respond to this campaign with all the faithfulness within us. We are blessed with an amazing church, one rich in ministry and historic in physical space. In gratitude for that blessing, let us now bless the ministry that needs these improvements and also provide a foundation for future generations of Episcopalians at St. John’s.

Yours in Christ,

The Rev. Dr. Jared C. Cramer, SCP
32nd Rector of St. John’s

Make a Pledge

We need your help to reach our goal

Make a Pledge

Campaign Goal $326,000



Where did this plan come from?


Don't we have money for maintenance (like a new roof) already set aside?


What if we don't raise the full amount? Will the roof still be replaced?


What happened to the money Loving Spoonfuls donated for the Master Plan Creation?


When will the work start?


What do I do if I have a question not answered here?


Our Prayer

Gracious and Loving God, we praise you and thank you for your faithfulness to the parish of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Grand Haven since its establishment in 1866. For more than 150 years, the parishioners at St. John’s have sought to share Christ’s love with each other, our neighbors, and our world. Throughout these years, you have guided and created a growing and diverse community here where all are truly welcomed and honored.

As we undertake this capital campaign, we pray that you will ignite in each of us a desire to create a church home that is the outward sign and symbol of our values: “Worship God. Be Transformed in Christ. Change the World.” Provide us with the vision and courage to pursue your call in our time so that our historic church may be a sacred place and a model of your Kingdom of justice and love to all people in our community.

Fill us with your Holy Spirit and open our hearts to your grace. Keep us always focused on your vision for us, and help us to make our parish a place where all can find and be found by you.

We place our trust in you as we step out in faith to improve our parish campus as a place of faith where all people may deeply experience God through worship, transformation, and reconciliation. Grant that we may carry out our calling with generous hearts and minds.

To your glory, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.